JESSICA Simpson has started to party like she’s 19 again — and her friends and family are worried sick.

The single singer/actress/realty TV star is said to be drowning her sorrows with booze.
Sources say the frumpy 29-year-old has been downing whiskey and is piling on the pounds again.
“Jess seems really depressed right now,” dished one insider. “I think she’s drinking way too much and eating terribly. We’re really worried for her.”
The pal said Jess started on a downward spiral when her brief romance with rocker Billy Corgan hit the skids.
“When it didn’t work out between them, Jess started feeling bad about herself again and she seems to be drinking way more than usual,” dished the insider.
“Jessica is a beautiful, intelligent girl but her confidence is shot. She needs to look on the brighter side of things and realize the answer lies within — not in the bottom of a bottle.”

JESSICA Simpson Addicted To Nicotine Gum…

JESSICA Simpson is addicted to nicotine chewing gum — but has never smoked a cigarette.

The former singer/actress — who’s reportedly learning to embrace her “sexy” curves — told chat show host Jay Leno the gum gives her the energy of”‘three cans of Red Bull”.
“I am addicted to Nicorette gum, I actually spat it out and put it on my water bottle before I came out,” she said.
“Never in my life have I smoked.
“The first time I ever chewed a piece of Nicorette gum one of my close friends’ mother gave it to me.
“I think she thought she was giving me a piece of regular gum.
“I was chewing it and it was like a party in my mouth. It was like fireworks and ‘Oh my god, I’m talking a million miles per hour and I love this gum and what kind of gum is this? I have to have this gum’.
“It’s Nicorette and it gives me energy — it’s like drinking three Red Bulls.”