There are many reasons why girlfriends get ticked off at their boyfriends. Sometimes the guy isn’t polite to her parents. He can be lazy, lounging around the house. Or worse, he has left the toothpaste cap off the tube.

Add Megan Fox to the list of reasons why girlfriends get pissed at their boyfriends.

Apparently, some knucklehead at a West Hollywood Starbucks had the nerve to tell Fox she was gorgeous in front of his girlfriend.

The incident stirred the woman who accused Fox of having a boob and nose job.

Fox responded, “I just came here to get a cup of coffee. This is so not worth it!”

Per the National Enquirer, the woman threw one more verbal barb at Fox as she left: “You’re really not that hot, honey. And you’re certainly no Angelina Jolie!”

To date, there are no reports as to whether Fox told the couple that “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” was a crappy film – an insane publicity tactic Shia LaBeouf is employing at the Cannes Film Festival to tubthump the franchise’s third installment.